Barking up the DOM tree.
**woof** <strong>woof</strong>
A modular, progressive, and beautiful Markdown and HTML editor
Create your website in the area below:
# Markdown? Here's a teensie bit of [Markdown][1] to get you started. Markdown lets you
produce **rich** HTML-formatted text by writing _plain text_
. You can write `code`, text in _italics_ or give them **a "bolder" format**. You can create headings by prefixing them with one or more hash characters _(#)_. The _less hashes_ they have, the _more prominent_ your headings become. Creating **links** is merely a matter of [wrapping some text in brackets][2] and referencing a resource locator, like the ones you'll find at the bottom of this text.
Images can be embedded
just the same, except you'll have to prefix the wrapped text with _an exclamation mark_. > Click on the
button to see this text come to life as HTML, the
language of the web. > > -- Nico Note that, ```js var markTags = 'still work'; var within = true; function code (
here, are, some, args
) { // do wonderful things! return here * are - some + args; } ``` [1]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ "Original introduction to Markdown" [2]: http://ponyfoo.com
woofmark(document.querySelector('#ta'), { parseMarkdown: megamark, parseHTML: domador });
the example has a teensie bit more of code that's used to preserve the GitHub-style
code fences.
The buttons above look kind of rough, but that's on purpose: it's up to you to style them and the API helps you do that. Here's another example using Font Awesome.
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